Saturday, August 16, 2008

Clone Wars Premiere

Troop #16

We made it into Star Wars Insider!!!!! Wo0T!

This event was massive! That Guy Brian (Vader, well...sort of) setup this event at the local Regal theater. I made a sweet ass promo poster for it and had it printed on 20x16 inch glossy to hang around the venue. Of course, they were all immediately stolen. Which is in one way shitty, but in another awesome because that means somebody liked my work.

We had 40+ people come out for this event and it was awesome. I am pretty sure That Guy Brian drank about 10 beers once home. And he deserved it. This event was massive on scale, coordination, and physical demands.

Out of irony That Guy Brian allowed somebody else to dress up in his Darth Vader costume for the event as he would be to busy to do so himself. So Butah Fett (Carlos) suited up. And low and behold...the one time he isn't in his own costume, we get published in the Star Wars Insider. Irony: it spares nobody, even fictional characters.